Wednesday, April 21, 2010

another day

today's just another day. Nothing too exciting that happened...


Okay, heres how it all went down. Weej was recording her stupid "i believe in" shit and steven just so happens to be doing his segment. All of a sudden i get this amazing idea....

I wait until Steven finishes his thing then i sack him where it hurts and run. Billy also runs, so i think: hey! theres my escape vehicle! and i jump on him. as soon i get on his back, he falls like a friggin domino XD

soooooo, me n billy go tumbling down. Billy starts laughing like a mental patient and steven physically assaults me. eventually steven gives up and promises to pay be back some other time...

im kinda scared. counting down the seconds before he actually gets me. Was it worth it? HELL YEA

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