Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello world...... if you've accidentally stumbled upon this page, here's your chance to exit........

If you've purposefully wandered into this site and plan to follow it, be sure to expect harsh reviews on anything I do and an offbeat sense of humor. This post of course will be the first of many others to come outlining my academic life, friends and anything I find interesting.
Sooooo, sit back, read a bit, leave a comment and who knows, you might like what you read and maybe this miserable attempt at displaying ideas can turn into a popular discussion page followed by hundreds. On a finishing note (the end of the beginning), this is MY blog where i will say whatever I want about anything, if you don't like it, you WILL LIKE IT.


  1. ...y r u blogging this is prob jus gonna end out being a odd collection of ur videos collegehumor and random pictures that u couldve otherwise posted on fb

  2. tumblr over all.
